Forty Hadith
The Virtues of Jerusalem

Course Description:
Jerusalem is considered the third holiest city in Islam, after Makkah and Medīnah. There are three main reasons for this: (1) it is strongly associated with the Prophets, such as Ibrāhīm, Dāwūd, Sulaymān and Ēsā (peace be upon them all); (2) it was the first qiblah (direction of prayer) in Islam before the Ka'bah in Makkah; and (3) the Holy Sanctuary is also the station of the Prophet Muhammad's sacred journey during the night of al-Isrā' and al-Mi'rāj to the heavens.
This course will explore Forty Aḥādīth about Shām, its virtues with a brief history, past and present, of Bait ul-Muqaddas (Masjid al-Aqsā), and short biographies of the Companions who lived and died there.
Instructor: Imam Faisal Khan
Duration: 1 Month (Ramadan), 4 Saturdays
Start Date: April 25th, 2020
Time: Saturdays, 10 AM to 2 PM
Tuition Fees: N/A
Discount Price Indefinite Due to COVID-19
*Coursebook Included for ON-SITE ONLY.
Special Package Available
Study with Seerah Intensive Course
Refunds available before March 31, 2020